Specialist Advanced Tactical Diver (ATD) Training Service


Specialist Advanced Tactical Diver (ATD) Training Service

Over the last two-decades, free-swimming self-contained diving technique, skills and methodology have advanced significantly. This evolution has principally been driven by the expansion of deep diving in overhead environments (caves and wrecks) where the need for precision buoyancy, optimised trim, a range of propulsion technique (finning) and directional control, together with detailed dive planning, breathing gas and decompression management, are an absolute necessity for safe and successful diving in such unforgiving environments.

An Evolving Operational Environment

Specialist tactical diving teams are increasingly being called upon to undertake more nuanced sub-surface operations where ‘action on-target’ calls for precision buoyancy control, optimised trim and control over direction of travel, advanced non-verbal communication and minimum bottom disturbance to optimise image capture or sensor / weapon deployment. In addition, there is an increasing requirement to use diver propulsion vehicles to infiltrate over longer distances, undertake extended periods at depth and safely execute accelerated in-water decompression independent of immediate surface support during discrete or covert operations.

When faced with novel operational challenges, such skills can be critical to mission success, however, with a focus often upon swimming long distances at speed using a single finning technique, defence / government diver training does not typically incorporate advanced diving technique. As a consequence, skills and knowledge gaps can result in a reduction in safety, performance and operational capability when undertaking technically challenging diving operations.


Who Are We?

Defender PDT are led by internationally respected professional dive educators, specialising in delivering advanced diver training to civilian, scientific, military, law enforcement, and government agencies.

Our expertise in civilian technical diving is seamlessly applied to the tactical diving operational environment, providing defense and government agencies a low-risk solution for developing and sustaining an advanced diving capability.

Who Are Defender PDT >>


Why Choose Defender PDT?

Internationally respected professional dive training educators, own and manage Defender PDT.

We bring extensive experience in delivering advanced diver training to civilian, scientific, military, law enforcement, and other government agencies.

Why Choose Defender PDT >>
